We offer the Original “Warranty-Friendly” Diesel Pro Module. The performance alternative to dangerous re-programing and delete systems.
When we began offering diesel performance modules over twenty years ago, we focused on improving the performance of underpowered diesel pickup engines. Today, with the technically advanced ‘Big Power’ diesel engines, we now focus on restoring the low-end power and mileage that emissions de-tuning has taken away. We accomplish this with sophisticated combustion technology that works with your engine’s stock setting. This approach makes your new performance module not only WARRANTY-FRIENDLY and POWERTRAIN SAFE, but a cost-effective investment against rising fuel prices and poor low-end performance.
Your new performance module will deliver an adjustable 90HP where you need it – (the driving zone) and up to 100 additional driving miles per tank of fuel. More importantly, it will allow you to maintain your stock engine’s integrity for better trade-in/resale value and avoid the possible legal ramifications of “delete programs”.
Upgrade your diesel’s performance with confidence!
We offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and a 3-year manufacturer warranty… Nuff Said.
Diesel Modules: Pickup Trucks Medium Duty/RV Heavy Duty/Semi AG/Construction
Lubricants & Fuel Treatments: Diesel Engines Gasoline Engines HVAC
Shipping to United States and Canada only.
(866) 406-3777
We are the ORIGINAL warranty-friendly diesel performance solution.
Text: (406) 202-4877
Average live Text response time 15 minutes (during normal business hrs.)
Mailing Address:
Diesel Modules LLC
Helena, MT. 59601
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